Barbie Collectors - Nurse
- The Nurse Barbie Doll is designed by Robert Best and celebrates the working woman
- The uniform includes a crisp white, belted dress, matching cap and blue cape
- White mary-janes complete this career ...

Barbie Collectors - Hi Tea Savory Set
- High Tea and Savories Barbie doll
- Proper English etiquette demands that every British Invasion should include a proper English tea
- High style at high tea is de rigueur, which makes this pleasurable ...

Barbie Collectors - Pretty Pleats
- A British Invasion for work or play demands enchanting ensembles that are at once functional and fashionable
- Tripping through the Tube or sauntering about the city, a kicky pleated suit suits ...

Barbie Collectors - Chocolate Obsession
- The complex flavor of chocolate evokes passion and inspires complete devotion
- Chocolate Obsession Barbie Doll celebrates the tradition of chocolate as the perfect gift
- Scented with the sweet sumptuous smell of chocolate, ...

Barbie Collectors - Models South Beach Barbie
- Featuring the dramatic ModelMuse body sculpt, the first Barbie Doll in the Best Models Collection
- Dressed in a striking bathing suit and features fabulous accessories and an assortment of mix-and-match outfits
- South ...